
Thursday, March 31, 2005

Prayers for all

The death of Terri Schiavo will not mean the end of the conversation (nor does it mean the end for her!). We believe her baptism sealed God's promise to her. Pehaps, as our moral and ethical conversations continue over end-of-life decisions...the right to die...the right to live...we can find some comfort in these words: "Whether I live or whether I die, I do so unto the Lord."

Our thoughts and prayers are with those most closely related to this particular case...and with all those who face death at this hour.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Once...and for all?

We watched "The Passion of the Christ" (Mel Gibson's film)'s a powerful portrayal, to say the least.

The Passion Story has left me with a question this year: "If the death of Jesus on the cross was for the 'sins of the whole world' must one even KNOW about it for it to be effective?"

Isn't the atonement effective because of what Jesus did, regardless of who believes? My faith doesn't add to or subtract from the death of Christ or its power (although my story IS part of his-story). Why should someone else's lack of faith take away from the power of the atonement?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Have you ever noticed how lies only work in the shadows? When the truth is on trial, denial lurks in the courtyard.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

A Holy Week

March 20 begins what is often called the holiest week on the Christian calendar...when we walk those final steps and the story becomes our own.